Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 01:44 pm

Gene People Leadership Symposium 2022

New: genetic conditions in a (hopefully) post-pandemic world

Concept note

Event name: Gene People Leadership Symposium 2022

Event details: Online, 13:30 – 16:30, 4 and 10 November

Organiser: Gene People


Since the last Gene People Leadership Symposium was held, the world has changed – especially for those affected by genetic conditions. This includes individuals, families and carers, as well as the health and social care professionals that work with them. The covid-19 pandemic has been a major catalyst for shifts in healthcare practice for genetic conditions – whether its changes in the healthcare systems of every UK nation, significant breakthroughs in management of specific genetic conditions, or the new UN resolution on ‘Addressing the challenges of persons living with a rare disease and their families’ (UN RES 76/132).

The theme of the Gene People Leadership Symposium 2022 acknowledges this new world shift for people with genetic conditions, as we come to together to discuss its impact: New: genetic conditions in a (hopefully) post-pandemic world.

The symposium will discuss this new landscape thorough keynote speakers and in panel sessions, along with opportunities for delegates to network and participate in discussions.

The Gene People Leadership Symposium 2022 will also see the launch of the Gene People Awards.

Objective of the event:

The 2022 Leadership Symposium will give delegates an opportunity to reflect and look into how the last few years have shaped the new healthcare landscape for those affected by a genetic condition. This will include: New innovations and how they have happened, changes in healthcare systems and the potential impact of high level policy shifts, including the Rare Disease Framework and Action Plans, and the UN Resolution.

There will be specific opportunities for targeted networking and relationship building. The dedication and vibrancy of our genetic conditions’ community will be recognised and celebrated through the Gene People Awards. A post-event report will also be produced and published, ensuring the legacy of the event continues after it is concluded.

About Gene People:

Gene People (formerly Genetic Disorders UK) is a registered UK charity that provides information and support to those affected by genetic conditions through our genetic counsellor-led helpline and resources, hosts a network of over 130 condition-specific support groups and organisations, and advocates and collaborates to improve the lives of those affected by genetic conditions.