Although treatment on the NHS is free at the point of delivery, there may still be some costs (for example, your journey to hospital) which may be reclaimed, which should ease any added stress. 

Health Cost Advice lines. 0300 330 1343

Low income scheme

If you have a low income, you may be able to get help with NHS costs through the NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS).


0300 330 1343

Universal Credit

If you receive Universal Credit you may also qualify for help with health costs


Prescription Costs

Prescription prepayment certificates are available in England and they can save you money.


0300 330 1341

Sight tests and optical vouchers

Some patients are entitled to a free NHS sight test or an optical voucher to help reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses.


Dental services helpline

Find out if you are entitled to help with dental costs


0300 330 1348

Travel costs

If you are referred to hospital or other NHS premises for NHS specialist treatment or diagnostic tests by your doctor, dentist or other health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS).


Wig and Fabric Supports

Wigs are available from the NHS but patients will be charged for them unless they qualify for help with charges. There are extensive arrangements for providing help with NHS prescription charges and other health costs such as wigs.


Useful links

Queries about medical exemption certificates – 0300 330 1341