Dr Patrick Harrison, University of Cork
Molecular biologist Dr Patrick Harrison undertook postdoctoral research in molecular biology and gene delivery labs in Cambridge, Edinburgh and Vienna prior to setting up his own research group at University College Cork in 2000. Patrick began using gene editing as a research tool for rare diseases in 2005. His lab was the first to publish a gene-editing strategy to correct the most common cystic fibrosis mutation in cells using zinc finger nucleases. It is currently using CRISPR gene editing to study cystic fibrosis and other rare diseases, including cystinosis and epidermolysis bullosa. Patrick is a regular reviewer of research papers for a number of international journals, an assessor of international research grants applications, and a consultant on gene editing to industry.
Gene editing for genetic disorders – cut, correct and cure?
Dr Patrick Harrison explains what gene editing is (and isn’t), shows how it is being used as a research tool for a range of genetic disorders, and discusses the challenges in bringing this technique to the clinic.