As a father of two children and a qualified health professional, specialising in the delivery of radiotherapy to children and actively supporting their families, Carrick Brown is extremely passionate about ensuring that children receive the best quality care. As Newlife’s senior care services manager, Carrick is responsible for strategically planning the development and operational delivery of the care services helpline, equipment grants and emergency equipment loans that support distressed families who need information, care and equipment for children with disabilities. In addition to these essential services, Newlife offers Play Therapy Pods and Comfort Capsules to provide holistic and developmental support to families across the UK. Carrick is a member of the Institute of Healthcare Management and has a Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Management.

We have changed the law… and now it’s personal!

Carrick Brown talks about how Newlife is going to use the law, established to protect those most vulnerable in our society, to ensure access to equipment and change the landscape of statutory provision.

Listen to the presentation