Champions of hope
Gene People (previously known as Genetic Disorders UK) hosted the Champions of Hope awards in 2017 and 2018. We hope to hold the awards again in the future. If your company would like to sponsor an award category please contact us.

David Barlow Genetic Disorders UK
For commitment to the UK genetic disorders community

Nicole Boice
Global Genes
For international commitment to the UK genetic disorders community

Karen Butcher
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease UK
For lifetime dedication to the UK genetic disorders community

Sarah Clark
Cleidocranial Family Support Group
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community

Libby Clegguk
For achievement within the UK genetic disorders community

Geoff Creamer
CGD Society
For commitment to the UK genetic disorders community

Alan Finglas
MSD Action Foundation
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community

Oliver Gardiner
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community

Andrew Gibson Krabbe UK
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community

Claire Hennessey
Max Appeal
For lifetime dedication to the UK genetic disorders community

Carlos Heras-PalouTTR Amyloidosis Patient Association UK
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community

Wendy Horrobin
Norrie Disease Association UK
For the courage to start a new organisation within the UK genetic disorders community.
Wendy has a son affected by Norrie disease and is in the process of establishing the Norrie Disease Foundation to promote vital new research and to offer support to families by strengthening the Norrie network – sharing resources, contacts and connecting families.