Your child’s education

Your child’s right to an education
A genetic disorder need not be a barrier to your child receiving a good education.
They have the same rights to schooling as all children.

Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
We are in the process or writing this part of the website. For information on the EHCP process, click here for useful links.

Choosing a school
For children with a genetic disorder the choice is wider than that open to regular children from the outset because in state education you have both mainstream and special school options. If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs then you have the right to choose which one you want them to attend.

Transport to school
If you child is of compulsory school age and they have a genetic disorder resulting in Special Educational Needs, or a disability or mobility problem that affects their ability to walk to school, then you should be eligible for free transport to school by your Local Education Authority.

Home Schooling
It’s quite understandable for the parents of a child with a genetic disorder to make the decision to home school and there could certainly be good reasons that make it physically impossible for your child to attend a school, maybe due to their own disorder and the logistics of getting them to and from school every day.